{ "culture": "en-CA", "name": "NBHN_Water_Gauges", "guid": "D14BDD68-24CF-48DC-8CEB-76DEE0671E0D", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This feature class contains point geometry that represents the location of water gauges collecting coninuous water measurements.", "description": "This feature class contains point geometry that represents the location of water gauges collecting coninuous water measurements. These contain attributes that identify and describe each gauge.", "summary": "This feature class contains point geometry that represents the location of water gauges collecting coninuous water measurements.", "title": "NBHN Water Gauges", "tags": [ "Open Data", "New Brunswick", "Hydrographic", "Water Gauges" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/{6C675DE1-5A65-441A-9DD7-D7271EC37FBD}.png", "url": "http://s25iwvgisapp04.gnb.ca:6080/arcgis/services/OpenData/NBHN_Water_Gauges/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -68.991602662261, 44.7675442212802 ], [ -64.3150024545439, 47.9884225118578 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_CSRS_New_Brunswick_Stereographic", "accessInformation": "This data is maintained by the New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development in cooperation with Service New Brunswick. It draws on data from a number of reference datasets.", "licenseInfo": "" }