{ "culture": "en-CA", "name": "Aluminium", "guid": "CD19ADBE-2BB4-492C-A843-9156D9290CE8", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This layer contains point features that represent the analytical results for the element Aluminium (AL) from till geochemical surveys conducted from 1986 to present.", "description": "The results from till geochemical analyses are presented as a series of point-feature layers, each corresponding to a chemical element. Samples of glacial till (\u201cC\u201d horizon soil) are systematically collected across New Brunswick and analysed to determine chemical composition. Data describing the sample sites and sample medium are available in the Surficial Geology category: TillSampleSites, TillSampleSite1986-2014, and TillGrainSize.", "summary": "This layer contains point features that represent the analytical results for the element Aluminium (AL) from till geochemical surveys conducted from 1986 to present.", "title": "Aluminium", "tags": [ "Till", "Geochemistry", "Elements" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "http://s25iwvgisapp04.gnb.ca:6080/arcgis/services/Till_Geochemical/Aluminium/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -69.0611766592819, 44.5702232504564 ], [ -63.6761216458938, 48.0139533603674 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_CSRS_New_Brunswick_Stereographic", "accessInformation": "New Brunswick Dept. of Natural Resources and Energy Development ", "licenseInfo": "" }