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snippet: Digitized pest management records in New Brunswick (1952-1993)
summary: Digitized pest management records in New Brunswick (1952-1993)
extent: [[-69.082830529288,45.1058047117768],[-63.6887394343326,48.0111575921673]]
accessInformation: New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development
thumbnail: thumbnail/{B88ACBFE-813E-4FA7-A894-EDD12ADFF57B}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Individual pest management treatment polygons were outlined for all years from 1952-1993 using georeferenced images of archived treatment plans. The archived treatment plans outline the broad application blocks, but do not capture fine resolution details addressed during day-to-day operations such as buffers on water and dwellings or other areas that would be excluded from application. Digitized from paper maps. Majority of maps were 1:500,000. Additional records will be added as new information is provided.
title: Historical_Pest_Treatment_Records
type: Map Service
tags: ["Historical","pest","management","treatments","New Brunswick","Open Data","GNB","DNRED"]
culture: en-CA
name: Historical_Pest_Treatment_Records
guid: E0F99318-0757-407C-87B4-EFF9B4FB0BA2
spatialReference: NAD_1983_CSRS_New_Brunswick_Stereographic