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snippet: This point feature class contains data compiled from laboratory grain size analyses conducted on till samples collected during till sampling by the New Brunswick Geological Survey.
summary: This point feature class contains data compiled from laboratory grain size analyses conducted on till samples collected during till sampling by the New Brunswick Geological Survey.
extent: [[-69.0609236271675,44.5702268583357],[-63.6763941665088,48.0089046212948]]
accessInformation: New Brunswick Dept. of Natural Resoures and Energy Development
thumbnail: thumbnail/{A83763AF-47E1-41BE-A0E1-B17C65D0A3DB}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This layer contains point features that represent New Brunswick Geological Survey till sample locations where laboratory grain size analysis was completed. Grain size data are contained in the attribute data for each location. Grain size analysis is limited to the dry-sieved <2 mm fraction of collected till samples. This fraction of the till sediment is subjected to hydrometer grain size analysis to determine the percentages of sand, silt, and clay. The process is based on the hydrometer method of Bouyoucous 1962. Sand: 63 µm to 2 mm Silt: 2µm to 63 µm Clay: < 2 µm Bouyoucous, G.H. (1962) Hydrometer Method Improved for Making Particle Size Analysis of Soils. Agronomy Journal, 54, 464-465
licenseInfo: None, Open Data
title: NBGS_TillGrainSize
type: Map Service
tags: ["Surficial","Open Data","New Brunswick","Historical"]
culture: en-CA
name: NBGS_TillGrainSize
guid: D2C64A59-C50C-4CBC-9A84-656771FB80C7
spatialReference: NAD_1983_CSRS_New_Brunswick_Stereographic